Friday, 11 April 2014


HI !

Today i want to share some good tips to live a healthy life. have you heard about detox water? DETOX WATER is a delicious fruit water that can cleanse your system. the best detox water can help flush toxin from your body because its contain anti-aging properties. here i give you the simplest recipes and step to make your own detox water :

- prepare some fruit to cut into slice
- soak the fruit slices in a glass jar
- keep in the fridge overnight (your water become infused with nutrients and flavor of the fruit)

so this is some examples of the best detox water as your reference :

kiwi help you to flush out toxin from the colon as it was a superfood packed with vitamin A and vitamin E. its also help to prevent free radicals in a certain type of cancer. strawberry helps prevent sagging skin.

contain of kiwis, lime, cucumber and a sprig of mint. cucumber can help you to get a great skin

watermelon helps to improve liver function whereas mint leaves help improve digestion by get rid of stomach cramps 

you can search more variety recipes of detox water. now, everyone can drink detox water. eat clean, because you are what you eat.
spread more love !

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